Ask Rita Stimatze
156 +/- Acres of Irrigated Cropland in Edwards County Ks.
Legals: SW/4 of 16-24S-18W
Property Taxes: $3242
Driving Directions: Beginning on Hwy 50 in Lewis, travel west 3 miles to 150th Avenue, turn north and drive two miles to J Road. The property begins on the northeast corner of the intersection of 150th Avenue and J Road.
Property Description: Available for immediate possession! Irrigated farmland being offered in Edwards County. Water Right #: 21854 per WIMAS, the farm has 184 acre feet of water at 590 gallons per minute. Water well drilled in 1975 @ 68' in depth. The irrigation equipment including water pump, engine, and fertilizer tank are owned by the seller will transfer, and the land is currently being custom farmed. The north half of the pivot is currenlty planted to alfalfa (9/2024), with the south side in milo stubble. There are 126+/- acres under irrigation. The water permit is allocated for 160 acres.
Irrigation Equipment details: Irrigation system is a Reinke 2011, 2009 Chevy 350 Engine.
What mineral rights the seller own shall transfer.
For more information of to schedule a showing contact Rita Stimatze 620-546-5347
Key features:
Immediate Possession For Spring Planting
8 miles from Kinsley
2 miles from Highway 50
3 miles from Lewis Elevator
Water Right #: 21854
184 AF / 590 GPM
MYFA Program with 320.83 feet remaining
Irrigation equipment included
New Alfalfa Stand
Directions: Beginning on Hwy 50 in Lewis, travel west 3 miles to 150th Avenue, turn north and drive two miles to J Road. The property begins on the northeast corner of the intersection of 150th Avenue and J Road.